2:26 PM |
Some more art |
I have been unable/unwilling to post in the last 2 months. God willing I'll be out of the slump sooner rather than later. Until then I figured I'd post some art I found around and about.
I have been unable/unwilling to post in the last 2 months. God willing I'll be out of the slump sooner rather than later. Until then I figured I'd post some art I found around and about.
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I know I havent posted in almost a month. Believe you me I have a good reason. Id est I am lazy...no really I have a better one than that...let me explain......*screen turns blurry*
I haven't slept in ten days. Vampires are refusing to serve my blood to vampirelettes under the age of 21. It's just how often do you get a van load of ridiculously cool people from the Democratic(*snicker snicker*) Republic of Ukraine rolling into town, we had to party. And so we did. From running around naked on the beach at 4 in the morning to singing "Beautiful" using our crotches as microphones(wasn't my idea) we passed the week away in myriad of creative and enteraining passtimes. You know it's been a good week when by the end of it you have 11 or 12 people stark naked in your living room. Anyway, as the week went by sleep began to seem like a luxary we could ill afford and so in the interest of our social lives we put it in our past and set out to defy natures health laws(don't ask). One thing we soon noticed was that the more we stayed out of the wiley clutches of the sand man the more dangerously witty we became. I wished we had filmed it so I could look back and decide whether(as I suspect) we only thought ourselves hilarious or(as I desparately hope) we had a week where we became as the gods of all things droll and comedic. Another thing is that we soon became to tired to speak in complete sentances. communication began to consist of fragments of 2 or 3 words spoken in a slur with what I swear was some sort of pseudo-english accent....at any rate life seems to be returning to us with all the usual "get some rest" and "maybe if you slept you wouldn't look like someone had used your eyes as bongos" comments that let me tell you sound a whole lot like the pull of Lethargy....as for one I refuse to compromise.....goodnight! PS. I'm going again as soon as I can figure out what happened to the month of August.... Posted in | 3 Comments »
It couldn't be that difficult. We had a map, we had an address all we needed to do was ring the doorbell and we would soon be giving hugs and bestowing God bless you's on one and all. Peering cautiously over the gate we were confronted with a certain sense of foreboding. Where was the van? Where were the 100 pairs of shoes in neat rows on the front porch? We were desperate, so soon we were straining our ears for sounds of children screaming in the backyard.....Nothing.
Something was definitely wrong, and there were only two possibilities. 1) These people were NOT living the standard 2) We had the wrong house With no VS to turn to we decided to investigate. No sooner had we begun drawing lots for who would be the one to jump the gate when along came our would be savior. Sporting a solitary gold tooth she looked like a woman who knew the back roads pretty well(if you know what I mean) so when she offered her assistance, in remarkably good English, we figured it couldn't hurt. "What are you looking for" she inquired with a chuckle...With some apprehension I told her we were looking for the residence of a Frenchman by the name of Christian. With scarcely more than a pause she opened that gate and proceeded to peer into every window she could find screaming "Hallo, hallo". After about 30 seconds we heard a reply. Coming to the door was a boy of about 11 or 12 followed by what I presumed to be his sister of a few years younger.. Firing off in Romanian the woman asked if this was the house of Mr. Christian. This seemed to stump the children who started yelling for their mother . By this time I was feeling decidedly uncomfortable. The woman who came to the door was something of a surprise. She looked to be in her mid thirties, she was dark but not gypsy. I'd almost say she was attractive, I'll settle with handsome. But I'm getting sidetracked, after ascertaining that yes, I was an American and yes, I was lost in Bucharest in search of a Frenchman who's last name I was not in possession of ,the bottom line was that while she was amused to no small degree the answer was no he did not live here. Damn.....Just my luck Baffled and somewhat at a loss we made our way back to the road and told the old crone "multumesc" or as we like to say in English "thank you" "Cu plecere" came the expected rejoiner but as she turned her back on us and started walking away we heard her say in a slow drawn out voice "With PLEASURE" We looked at each other and shuddered. That was the last we saw of her. Sam( our drummer, who coincidently is also French) went look further on down the road and in no time at all had located the house we had been looking for(which confirms my suspicions that the French can smell each other a mile away).....THE END Posted in | 2 Comments »
I just wrapped up recording another demo...took about 10 hours total....we recorded using my computer so the quality is a little dubious but doable....
http://www.spirittreeband.com/mp3/StepOutside.mp3 Posted in | 2 Comments »
A quote I stumbled upon a little while back....you get 100 bonus points if you can guess the letter.
Power, popularity, and plenty are dangerous, so watch out. Posted in | 2 Comments »
Three days ago I stared my own mortality in the face(It wasn't a very attractive one now that I think about it). I should have seen it coming, things were just going too well. I had on my red snowman pants, mug of beer lodged firmly in my hand, yes life was good.......then it happened.
I've tried to figure out exactly what it was...could it have been my clammy feet? Or could the fault have lied with some disgruntled, counter-revolutionary at the factory that produced my blue plastic slippers? In any case, who benifits from finger pointing? The point is....it wasn't my fault. I have a wound, thats right a wound. I've had cuts before, even dare I say a gash. This is different. The blood was pouring out by the quart, gritting my teeth I held the flap of skin and what I presumed to be the remainder of my toe together with my hand and hobbled up the stairs. At any momment I expect a posse of scalpel wielding MDs to walk into my room, restrain me and in unison tell me in dry monotone voices that my toe has to go. Needless to say I've been keeping my door locked. In a nutshell: From what I've been able to deduce, running up the stairs 2 steps at a time I hit the edge of the marble stair with enough force to split my hallux in two. I'll keep you posted if/when it starts to turn green or smell a little like a French cheese cellar(I can't prove it but it sounds like something the french would have under their house). Alright well I must turn in, until next time, au revoir Posted in | 1 Comments »
Do you think Kofi Annan is aware that his accent makes him unintelligible?
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I'm just posting this to state the reason that I haven't posted anything in the last few days(much to the ire of my 2 or is it 3 readers) is that I was,on penalty of deportation, forced to make my way to Bulgaria and back again.
The large Cyrillic script loomed over the border like some kind of a Stalinistic(is that even a word?) ward created by Soviet scientists in large lab in Siberia with one purpose in mind.....to make Americans wet their pants...I walked through with my head lodged firmly between my shoulder blades...beads of sweat building up on my forehead And yet even with all the odds stacked against me, nothing exciting happened. I made it back....Alive..TYJ till next time Posted in | 0 Comments »
The other night some friends and I were discussing the way that beer companies advertise themselves(ie. budweiser and coors both trying to convince people that there is actually a difference between the rigorous quality testing that Mr. anheuser-busch III personally oversees and "rocky mountain freshness" whatever that is) so feeling that the public just wasn't getting the point about what beer truly was superior I decided to suggest a new Ad. campaign for whoever was brave enough to use it(since so far I have no takers I'll just use Coors as my example) drum roll please.................
A car filled with young, good looking hipsters is ripping down the road in a 30,000 dollar car, top down, wind in their hair ....empty bottles of beer kicking around their feet...in each of their hands is a half empty bottle of coors...suddenly out of nowhere ...*whirwhirwhir* sirens flashing in the night..the convertable pulls over..the kids look at each other, faces full of unspoken fear...the officer gets out of his vehicle, you can only see his boots....he approaches the car...looks at the group of ridiculously hot models who are even now flashing their pearly whites at him....grabs the beer from the drivers hand and turns it over so that he(and us the TV audiance) can see the label...looks back at the inebriated young man, takes a swing and with a wink says the only line in the whole Ad. ......."Good Choice" hands the beer back and waves them on...the closing scene is a shot from between the cops legs of the car weaving back on to the road..... You know what they say " there's no such thing as bad publicity"..... Posted in | 5 Comments »
Is about a man named Ludvik, a member of the communist party in Czechoslovakia circa 1960.
In a post card to a lady friend he makes a joke(thus the title of the book) at the parties expense and they tear him down with it. He loses his membership with the party and his coveted spot in one of the best universities in the country. Rather than wait to be sentenced to work in a labor camp or some equally gruesome fate. He enrolls in the Czech equivilant of the National Guard, where he meets a woman named Lucie. She is quiet and shy, but has a certain poise that forms an immediate attraction for Ludvik..although he only sees her on rare occasions as he only gets out of his barrack every month or two if he's lucky especially since their unit was put in the charge of an insecure, quasi-sadistic, young officer... Ludvik soon becomes frustated with Lucie's lack of physical intimacy and attempts to force himself upon her(never a good idea)...she runs away, and he for all intents and purposes never sees her again. Years later after he is discharged he returns to his home town and sets out to get his revenge on the man who was responsible for his downfall(a rather affable fellow named Zemanek)...his somewhat juvenile plan is to seduce the wife of the afore mentioned Zemanek...but like every thing else that Ludvik gets involved in, his revenge goes sour, when after the deed is done he finds out that Zemanek's marrige is on the rocks and that he(Zemanek) is in fact dating a much younger more attractive girl than the wife that Ludvik has just seduced... And that ladies and gentlemen about sums up the book I just read...written in the 1960's by Czech author Milan Kundera it was banned by the communist government there after a soviet crack down(it was deemed an anti-socialist vehicle). The author fled to France and as far as I know still lives there. I wouldn't recommend the book per se(unless books about men named Ludvik doing odd things, all the while taking place in the Czech country-side..fits into your favorite genre) but I thought it had some interesting commentary, and the character development was very good(sometimes unfortunately) for a book shy of 300 pages....and so after much ado I pronounce my verdict : ** out of ***** Posted in | 3 Comments »
These are some paintings from one of my favorite artists......here's her site
http://www.shadowscapes.com/ ![]() Posted in | 0 Comments »
Tuesday oh Tuesday, my only respite from the toils of life... I didn't wake up until almost 1:30 in the afternoon, which in retrospect wasn't as cool as it first seemed, reason being my day was half over before it had even begun, but I can't complain(or did I already do that).The beach was beautiful, at least as beautiful as one covered in every manner or refuse believable can be and the waves were the biggest I'd ever seen them so I had fun bobbing up and down all the while atempting to keep from losing my shorts. Oh yes and today is the day that I catch up on my spiritual rejuvenation. God knows I needed it after what I'd been through last week with Luxor and all... So I warmed up by reading an XN(you know the mag where the girls breasts are all drawn using the formula "Boob = PI x size of head") and I found a cool quote under "Gods Eye's" so I thought I'd share "They're not just dealing with us, they're fighting against God himself. Do you think God will defend himself?"Interesting question, with an obvious answer sure to bring a sly grin your face as you conjure up a mental picture... Posted in | 0 Comments »
I must confess, I'm addicted to a game that requires the intellectual capacity of say, the 20 odd kilos of tomatoes rotting away in the fridge downstairs. I'm in a sorry state. I only found the time to write this because my mouse hand started spazzing out making it impossible for me aim my little colored balls to any degree of satisfation(get your mind out of the gutter).....just in case you don't know what I'm talking about.... http://get.games.yahoo.com/proddesc?gamekey=luxor
It creeps up on you. At first I thought I could handle it. After all, whats to be afraid of, I've seen a lot in my long life...a Yahoo game seemed innocent enough...that was my first mistake. FYI I'm not telling you this just to assuage my guilty conscience. I hope, this serves as a grave lesson of what can happen when you get trapped in the world of spiral gutters, flying power-ups, wild balls, and colorful scarabs... I'm entertaining the thought of starting a Luxors Anonymous but every time the notion crosses my brain I feel this sudden urge to pass" just on more level"...and so on the tiltawhirl goes... Oh NO! I just realized.........I'm becoming addicted to writing about Luxor..must stop..must fight.... HELP, HELP, HELP Posted in | 1 Comments »
Is quite simple really, which makes me think it must have been thought of before. Which would mean it is most likely flawed or I'd imagine we'd be seeing some greyhaired, PHD weilding scientist patting himself on the back...anyway in the event that it hasn't been thought of(maybe it slipped through a crack in the aformentioned scientists oily brain) I'll tell all....
Like I said its simple. All it involves is dumping mass amounts of water from the Atlantic Ocean into the Sahara,via a network of massive pipes..the water evaporates creating clouds...therefore creating rain....and finally, creating a paradise out of hell, lowering sea levels, absolving world hunger....the list is endless..hey I think I might even move there myself.Before you start on a tangent about how the salt in the water will be doing more damage to the region than anything else..think on this.... 1) It's a risk I'm(and presumably you are)willing to take(even if, in some freak stroke of bad luck, the area becomes a wasteland....well lets face it between you and me, we can find somewhere else for the dozen people that live in the 3.5 million square mile desert to bunk up) 2) Massive salt water refineries, I'd hazard to call this plan realistic, nay obvious. Well if you have any suggestions, comments, critiques, etc on my plan to save the world from itself....by all means speak your piece...cheers Posted in | 2 Comments »
My fingers are in danger of falling off...Ive just been out for the last few hours, restaurant singing.
If I have to sing " la Bamba" one more time...I'm going to start looking into the possibility of maybe drinking some battery acid....or something of the sort... On a more positive note, the "wine tasting" ladies(more on that later) were in fine form....but all that to say it wasnt quite enough to get my mind off the grooves in my left hand. It's one in the morning which means I have about 18 hours until I garner up the will to tell people with a loud, confident tenor, that no, I am not,in fact, a sailor..I am....*cue arrogantly thrust out chest* a captain. Posted in | 0 Comments »
I went fishing a few days ago(the first time in forever) and much to my chagrin caught nothing, considering we drove an hour and a half away it was a bit of a bummer....You would think I would have learned my lesson....but no I was out again today...ahh and I caught nothing.
But have no fear, just as you were all thinking to see me throw up the white flag...I have stiffened my resolve....my Waterloo has not come yet......I will have my revenge on those wily little buggers.. Posted in | 0 Comments » |
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