5:53 PM


I must confess, I'm addicted to a game that requires the intellectual capacity of say, the 20 odd kilos of tomatoes rotting away in the fridge downstairs. I'm in a sorry state. I only found the time to write this because my mouse hand started spazzing out making it impossible for me aim my little colored balls to any degree of satisfation(get your mind out of the gutter).....just in case you don't know what I'm talking about.... http://get.games.yahoo.com/proddesc?gamekey=luxor
It creeps up on you. At first I thought I could handle it. After all, whats to be afraid of, I've seen a lot in my long life...a Yahoo game seemed innocent enough...that was my first mistake.
FYI I'm not telling you this just to assuage my guilty conscience. I hope, this serves as a grave lesson of what can happen when you get trapped in the world of spiral gutters, flying power-ups, wild balls, and colorful scarabs...
I'm entertaining the thought of starting a Luxors Anonymous but every time the notion crosses my brain I feel this sudden urge to pass" just on more level"...and so on the tiltawhirl goes...
Oh NO! I just realized.........I'm becoming addicted to writing about Luxor..must stop..must fight.... HELP, HELP, HELP


Liz said... @ 10:16 PM

hahahah. uh..what was the name of the one that got me? with zapping the little blocks. it's a torment! loving your site dan..
i love you to DEATH!!