10:07 AM


The other night some friends and I were discussing the way that beer companies advertise themselves(ie. budweiser and coors both trying to convince people that there is actually a difference between the rigorous quality testing that Mr. anheuser-busch III personally oversees and "rocky mountain freshness" whatever that is) so feeling that the public just wasn't getting the point about what beer truly was superior I decided to suggest a new Ad. campaign for whoever was brave enough to use it(since so far I have no takers I'll just use Coors as my example) drum roll please.................
A car filled with young, good looking hipsters is ripping down the road in a 30,000 dollar car, top down, wind in their hair ....empty bottles of beer kicking around their feet...in each of their hands is a half empty bottle of coors...suddenly out of nowhere ...*whirwhirwhir* sirens flashing in the night..the convertable pulls over..the kids look at each other, faces full of unspoken fear...the officer gets out of his vehicle, you can only see his boots....he approaches the car...looks at the group of ridiculously hot models who are even now flashing their pearly whites at him....grabs the beer from the drivers hand and turns it over so that he(and us the TV audiance) can see the label...looks back at the inebriated young man, takes a swing and with a wink says the only line in the whole Ad. ......."Good Choice"
hands the beer back and waves them on...the closing scene is a shot from between the cops legs of the car weaving back on to the road.....
You know what they say " there's no such thing as bad publicity".....


Anonymous said... @ 11:36 AM

its really hard to believe u are romanian cos u write so well.

Daniel Byron said... @ 7:57 PM

Well I'll take that as a compliment:)...but you're right I'm not Romanian...I live in Romania...thus the confusion....

Anonymous said... @ 5:23 AM

Nice blog bro..
I liked the commercial..
Seems every one is stuck on you being Romanian, heh..
loving you man..

crazynik said... @ 2:31 PM

brilliant commercial idea :)

Liz said... @ 7:37 AM

where did you learn English so well?